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Past Cases We've Handled

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Our Client's Results Are No Accident!


T-Bone Crash

Our client suffered shoulder, back & neck injuries after being t-boned at an intersection by a Fire Chief.  After multiple surgeries, only $275,000 was offered at mediation before a trial judgment was awarded in the above amount.


Rear End Collision

Our client was rear ended in a multi car collision and suffered injuries to her neck, back, and shoulder.  After undergoing surgery and pain management for years, the case was ultimately resolved shortly before trial.


Head On Collision

A client suffered neck, back, shoulder, & knee injuries in a car wreck.  After multiple surgeries, only $134,000 was offered before mediation.

18 Wheeler Wreck

Client suffered shoulder, neck, & back injuries after being rear ended by a big rig.  After two shoulder surgeries & neck surgery, we were able to settle a week before trial.


Company Truck Collision

After our client was violently rear ended by a company truck, she had injuries to her neck, back, and both shoulders.  After multiple injections & RFAs, we were able to secure the above settlement through all liable insurers.


Rear End Collision

A client suffered neck and back injuries in a car wreck with a company vehicle.  After injections & successful neck surgery, we were able to resolve his claim prior to trial.


Company Vehicle Crash

Our client was rear ended by a company vehicle.  After injections were unsuccessful, he had to undergo neck surgery and were able to resolve his case at mediation.


Your Case Result Here

You've seen just SOME of our results on this page.  Don't waste your time going elsewhere for your claim and let us show you why our client's BIG results are NO accident. #BetterCallBadeaux


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© 2019 Tommy J. Badeaux, Esq. /


DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information only and DOES NOT give legal advice. Unless otherwise stated, per Louisiana Rule of Professional Conduct 7.4, the statements on this site do not imply certification in any particular area of law.  Visitation to this site and submitted inquiries do not create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship is only formed once a contract is executed between the individual and The Law Offices of Tommy J. Badeaux.

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